Bridging Rust to Swift, pt. 1: Hello, C

C Anyone? Swift has great interoperability with C. Given a C header and linked library, it can call into C code quite easily. If we were to build a C...

Extending cmark-gfm pt.3

Bugs, et al. We’ve written up our code. It works and life is good. Or is it? Are modifications we’ve made going to break the code we already have. Life...

Extending cmark-gfm pt.2

In the previous installment to this series, we took a look at the high level workings of the cmark parser. In this post, we will extend the cmark-gfm source code...

Extending cmark-gfm pt.1

Markdown is a lightweight markup language used to create formatted text from plain text. For example, a Markdown renderer would render **bold text** written in a plain text editor as...

Procedural Macros, pt. 6: Attributes

We’ve built our code, and it’s passed all our tests. But, we’ve just realized that we’d rather not have a getter generated for our age property. Thinking about it, the...