Cross Compiling a C Library for iOS and macOS

Architectures everywhere Apple has a neat array of devices running macOS and iOS - each of which run on multiple architectures. While macOS is making the transition to arm64, we...

Bridging Rust to Swift, pt. 5: Swift Packages, the final wrap

In our last post, we built a Swift package that made distributing and using our .xcframework a lot easier. We will now tackle making our interaction with the C library...

Bridging Rust to Swift, pt. 4: Swift Packages

In installments prior, we looked at using a C FFI to publish Rust code externally using cbindgen to automatically generate C style header files and, targeting multiple platforms using Binary...

Bridging Rust to Swift, pt. 3: Binary Frameworks

In the first and second parts to this series, we wrote code in rust to build a C library. This was coupled with a header file that described its public...

Bridging Rust to Swift, pt. 2: cbindgen

We concluded our previous post with building a C compatible library which could be accessed from C/Swift - with the caveat that we needed to provide the appropriate header files....